( 01618505451 )

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Who called me from 1618505451 phone number

We have a 42 comments for this phone number.The phone number 1618505451 [ 441618505451 ] (area code: 44161) originates from United Kingdom, specifically the city of Manchester which is in the region with the area code of 161.The geographical coordinates of Manchester are approximately Latitude: 53.4850623, Longitude: -2.2452086. The city has a population of about 2,230,000 people. Please note that this is a landline number. See data summary for phone number 1618505451 : It has been queried a total of 156 times. The initial search took place on 2023-07-16 19:43:44, while the most recent was on 2024-12-03 11:20:24. Check out the latest reviews for this number below, or feel free to add your own. Currently, this phone number holds a 4.5001 out of 10 rating on our scale. Your input can help shape the understanding of this number's reputation. The phone number +441618505451 is located in the United Kingdom.

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01618505451 phone number reviews

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

They will just not go away. Sick to death of these calls

Comment by: Roby
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 2
Add date: 2019-10-08 16:40:09
Comment number: 8707

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

Worked for this company 4 months and u can say it was the worst for months of my life you were made to work Saturdays and all so some dodgy things going on in back office and with taxes.. Also think a bit of a background check needs to be made a a few of their directors.

Comment by: Marisella
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 2
Add date: 2018-10-06 09:42:21
Comment number: 25087

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

I worked for this company for 3 weeks The place is crawling with scummy salestwats who encourage you to harass people especially if you have reason to believe they have taken PPI Dont acknowledge them if they call hang up immediately From my 3 weeks there I have so many stories about how they treat their staff and how the company works Its not like BBCs quotthe call centrequot it is much much worse Think North Korea We were told to tell you the public that we have a 98 success rate when dealing with a claim Not true The website says we have a 90 success rate but I expect the real figure is different In training we were told that quotnegheadsquot were the enemy that is negative people Those who complain a lot Basically its a way of keeping the turnover high because it is so easy to sack people and if you leave under any circumstance within 3 months they subtract 350 from your pay for training costs I had a friend with a heart condition When he had to go to hospital he was told to get back to work quotyoure here to make salesquot Group of arrogant rude and sociopathic sharks and I wouldnt go back there if I was paid double

Comment by: Ex-employee
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2013-08-10 09:50:31
Comment number: 30990

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

They have got me approximately 1700 but want 600 so Im just gonna knock them Stuff it why should they get all that money fair enough they helped but Im gonna see how far it goes

Comment by: jay
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 2
Add date: 2014-04-14 18:01:12
Comment number: 30991

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

I wasnt very happy getting called by this number as I was at work but as the nice lady on the phone explained very clearly about misssold PPI I proceeded an they sent me 3 forms out 1 for each finance an they was all filled in which I found very help full an told me in 16 days if I had Payed the insurance an got me my refund back with in 13 weeks of 7340 an also managed to get me money back off my mortgage I have been paying for 24 years Yes the fee is high but definitely worth it Brilliant

Comment by: Amanda
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2016-01-26 18:01:18
Comment number: 30992

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

They got me 1600 back that i didnt even know i was owed Better than the banks who took it

Comment by: Mobile1
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2015-03-17 07:27:37
Comment number: 30993

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

yet another scam with profound interest in me claiming my PPI they cold call any number they get their dirty little fingers on scumscam

Comment by: Lucius
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2011-09-15 12:01:17
Comment number: 30994

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

Pressured me into making a ppi claim telling me it was legal for me a former bankrupt person to claim and keep the money 7 months later I get a cheque for 12 k that Im going to hand over the official receiver Im going to report them to law as they lied to me and no way am I paying them

Comment by: Sloth
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2019-06-03 18:19:31
Comment number: 30995

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

Sick of these people ringing my phone do not know where they got their information from Despite me blocking they come through on another line Do not trust and when you tell them you dont want to speak to them they get threatening

Comment by: L1HWR
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2019-02-17 07:25:13
Comment number: 30996

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

hi the new no for contact is 01618505431

Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 2
Add date: 2018-06-12 15:04:24
Comment number: 30998

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

Worked for this company 4 months and u can say it was the worst for months of my life you were made to work Saturdays and all so some dodgy things going on in back office and with taxes Also think a bit of a background check needs to be made a a few of their directors

Comment by: Imet
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2016-07-30 17:20:54
Comment number: 30999

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

I have recently stopped working for quotHelp your Claimquot I was there 4months and I decided not to go back via a disagreement with my manager clearly on the fact he rang me on my booked day off to come in work Of course I said I cant due to being on the other side of the country which he knew But just to cut a long story short I had my manager and 2 other quotfloor managersquot which are unnecessary messaging via whats app text facebook and even ringing me I must of recieved atleast 30 calls that day It was a complete joke and they also left my voicemail after voicemail threatening and swearing being abusive They owed me 2 weeks wages plus commission and bonus which was meant to be paid on 07112016 didnt recieve any payment Rang my old manager he was dismissing me saying you have been paid So I finally got in conctact with quotthe accountantquot which is basically a guy named Tom I rang him 3 times no answer text him no message back emailed him no email Finally I recieved a message off him saying that he will look into it Also tried saying I was only there a month so there taking 350 out my wage I was there 4months but still no payment recieved In regards to working for the company it is full of 16 year old kids that have straight out of school Which isnt the issue but the type of people they employ are complete YOBS Managers are just team leaders half of time there never around to busy talking to people about what they did over the weekend Then if the team hasnt hit target you get abuse the team gets abuse The way your spoken to is horrendous They have music on all day extremely loud which is usually a genre of house music or r n b its that loud your shouting at customers and customers are saying they cant hear anything we say If the customer complains about the music we have to say theres a charity event on As you can imagine customers that have been rang a couple of times know were lying Ive witnessed drugs being sold on the premises on daily basis The way they force you to talk to customer is rude and

Comment by: Recent Former Em
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2016-11-08 17:00:05
Comment number: 30997

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

Harassing a vulnerable adult who has asked them on many occasions not to contact him any more Also fraudulently quoting guaranteed amounts makes you seem so trustworthy Well done HYC you sound great Reported to the ICO and TPS

Comment by: Ally
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2016-05-08 12:15:14
Comment number: 31000

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

NYC rang me and told me my claim was successful and I was due a cheque for234516 when I received the cheque it was actually 132626 Barclay deduct a portion for fees for my loan ampNYC are asking for 78900 which will leave with 500 and something that cant be right

Comment by: vicky
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2016-04-17 13:40:31
Comment number: 31001

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

Dont know the nature of the call but as people say they are about PPI claims I wouldnt trust

Comment by: PinkLadyApple
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2016-04-08 12:13:04
Comment number: 31002

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

All you guys need to realise all this company is doing is trying to genuinely get you money back you could of payed You also need to realise these people are payed to try and help you I understand the Calls are annoying but imagine how annoying it is people giving you grief when all your trying to do is get them money back and hit your own target also Also imagine how hard it is to try and get people interested to talk about PPI Hyc is a great place too work and all you people that are complaining about it is very inconsiderate Only reason I left is because I have moved to southport I would go back in a heart beat

Comment by: Ex-employee
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2016-01-21 19:05:22
Comment number: 31003

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

I currently work for Hyc and we are 100 not a scam Hyc is the best place I have ever worked an yes they are big on quotneg headsquot but that is just because they want all employees too have a good mind set so they can be successful in work and hit target at the end of the dayweek They offer amazing incentives and bonus as for the music yes its loud and bouncy but they just like to have a good atmosphere in the office so no one is sat bored negged out Would highly recommend looking into having PPI with help your claim

Comment by: Hyc
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2016-01-22 18:52:18
Comment number: 31004

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

ppi call i did it myself but they insist i would have been underpaid sent out a agreement to sign and they filled it in themselves making up stuff and i refused to sign dodgy dodgy dodgy I will chase up my bank myself instead and save 36 feesthey constantly ring my phone and its total pressure tactics but unfortunately for them i dont crumble to that There are much cheaper ppi companies wanting 125 percent with vat is 15 so shop around and avoid these like the plague or do it yourself its easy go on moneysavingexpertcom and it shows you how

Comment by: woody
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2015-10-22 14:19:45
Comment number: 31005

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

So I got a call from this number and after Ive answered no to every question about loans and such THEN a massive crowd clap happens should I be worried about this bizarre event

Comment by: alxnder
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2015-05-11 08:05:44
Comment number: 31006

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

Had a cold call from HYC trying to lure me into the PPI reclaim rubbish Ive never had any PPI but to shut them up I said Id reclaimed milions they cut me off dead Been complaining via email 7 times and they wont tell me how they got my number they say they quotacquiredquot a database but wont say where from Reoprting to Legal Ombudsman This type of PPI reclaim cold calling and ambulance chasers after accident compensation should be illeagal

Comment by: Bertie
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2015-04-23 13:19:18
Comment number: 31007

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

Ive asked them to stop calling countless times They just keep on calling They are a total pain in the backside Ill never use them to assist me with anything

Comment by: iris
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2015-03-22 07:43:28
Comment number: 31008

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

Very rude sounded like the consultant was at a rave trying to get my business well that certainly is not happening I dont trust this scam reported them to the police as the person who I was speaking to told me that she gets paid cash in hand

Comment by: Manager 1
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2015-02-16 13:27:00
Comment number: 31009

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

If you would like to form your own opinion I would be happy to explain how we work if you call us back on the number we called you on

Comment by: Callum
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-12-10 17:13:35
Comment number: 31010

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

Persistent harassment

Comment by: Rshe
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-11-26 13:14:11
Comment number: 31011

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

Recieved a cold call and they managed to find loans i never even remember having ended up claiming me just over 10 grand back they dif charge 30 but they did all the work so cant complain

Comment by: James
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-11-15 11:26:36
Comment number: 31012

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

I got a girl call me and she seemed nice and genuine then everything seemed too good to be true and if i won a fee is dueI then questioned it and said ill call back once I discuss with my parents to learn more about it she didnt like this and got shifty and said she would call me back rather than me call at my leisureI will ignore from now on I didnt give her any personal details she could access so thats good

Comment by: Nicola Brown
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 2
Add date: 2014-11-15 11:26:46
Comment number: 31013

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

I received a call asking for my husband I said it was his wife could i help as they called my mobile not husbands the caller was rude and abusive he told me to shut my mouth and get my husband and telling him to do one i hung up and he called me 45 times every min that night When my husband had a word when he arrived home to take a call he continued to antagonise my husband and wind him up from the safety of a witheld number and anoymous identity He still continued to call until i blocked the calls A colleague rang again the week later and i was able to identify the company and call them to make them aware of the previous harrasment calls although reading this i wont hold my breathe for any customer service

Comment by: Furious
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-11-15 12:59:56
Comment number: 31014

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

These people have hounded me since November last year amp I dont know how they got my details They said I was on their database I said I was doing it myself but they will not take no for an answer When they finally called me on Sunday lunchtime at 1230pm during Xmas week while blocking their number I went completely ballistic with them because they were interrupting a family mealThey flogged me some lame story about filling in forms for them and that was the last straw I bellowed down the phone at them at the top of my voice and then hung up by this time I was boiling Back in November they ordered me to drop everything and return home to dig out my bank details which I refused after being on the phone for over 55 minutes Since Xmas it has gone quiet again probably wont hear a peep from them until November 2015when the race for the Xmas bonus starts up again

Comment by: wally60
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2015-01-03 10:26:09
Comment number: 31015

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

PPI and nasty with it I will just end call immediately in future

Comment by: evilhervbivore
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2014-10-20 10:19:11
Comment number: 31016

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

I recieved a call from them in the middle of the day They started by saying I was owed thousands in compensation When I asked who the were they replied quotHYC Insurancequot when I asked how the got my number they refused to tell me I then just ended the call

Comment by: Frank
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2014-09-22 16:35:27
Comment number: 31017

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

lots of telephone calls have not received any money yet which the company said will be sending no luck but have received letter from HYC demanding 30 Vat their demand is more then 30 vat Why should i pay them all that money when not received any yet and why should I pay them any way I did apply myself and was told by the MBNA that I did not have any HYC has told me the money is on its way but where is it not paying until I have the money and not pay them half of the refund wish I had ready the HYC information

Comment by: anna
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2014-08-27 11:04:39
Comment number: 31018

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

They will just not go away Sick to death of these calls

Comment by: fedup
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2014-07-12 12:55:33
Comment number: 31019

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

Trying to get me to agree to SEO to get my company on first page of google until I pointed out my site was already on the first page They then hung up Cowboys

Comment by: Dan
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-06-24 08:00:55
Comment number: 31020

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

I used to work for this firm embarassed to do such a thing They set your mind to constantly being positive and think of bonus for each sale you get when it gets taken off you for the littlest of things Absoloutley disgraceful place they call you and push you trying to get them to claim your money back with them when you can do it for free with the banks they charge 36 and also you get charged for the telephone calls so as soon as they ring you you could get charged for that dont fall into this trap they are just young knob heads who work there amp have no idea what there doing if u hang up on them they will keep your number and harras u so just report them so this company eventually will close down

Comment by: Ex employee ther
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2014-06-03 12:34:42
Comment number: 31021

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

I work at hyc at the moment and I have to say reading these comments some of you guys are saying is very disappointing there is no scam here at HYC everything is done correctly and lawfully Day in and day out we claim a hell of a lot of money back for customers like a few of you that have commented here This is sometimes life changing amounts if money We are not one of those companys that send useless packs out to everyone were in contact with get you to fill it all in and then find out there is no ppi We dont want to waste your time or our time We confirm the ppi policy numbers over the phone fill in all the paperwork for yourselves post it out then all you need to do is sign date and return and then we will do the rest for you We do not take any upfront costs the ppi search is free and only on a successful claim we take 36 p in every pound thats including vat of any successful claim But we also claim back 8 interest for every year you have had that finance up until the day you claim The money is out into your accounts before we take our fee so you see the total amount So from reading that how are we a scam to be honest were one of the best claims management companys out there were paid well were trained well and some of the best people iv ever met work there Yes you may hear loud music and cheering and thats because every time we receive a payout for customers and we call and tell you guys we celebrate the weeks of hard work to and from with the banks to get you guys a lot of money back Wish you the best of look with your future claims Ryan

Comment by: Ryan
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-11-24 09:49:59
Comment number: 31022

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

I only started reading these comments after I had agreed to use HYC I started to panic after the comments being left But it was to late I had signed there contract and had an acknoladge letter from them regarding my Lloyds Loans I was first contacted by a ladey called Yasmin I must admit it was very load call centre but Yasmin was very friendly at no point was I asked for bank details she just wanted to know if I was miss sold the PPI When I took the loans out the bank did say I had to take the PPI out or I would not be able to have the loan each time I topped my loan up Yasmin explained that this was not the case and in fact I would be eligible to claim the PPI back I have now received my refund its just over 13000 I also received the letters explaining the calculations I was refunded every penny I paid o the PPI plus I got the intrest back which the banks earned on my money I received a call from a gentelman called Jack who went over how much I got back over the phone at this point I had not received a letter with this in writing As you can imagin I did not believe him I said I was to busy to talk and would call him back I logged on my online banking and nearly fell of my chair when I seen my new balance I must admit i felt teary and couldnt be leave that this was happing to me i never thought I would receive so much or anything for that matter I would never of thought I would be able to get this money back if it was not for Yasmin or HYC even after there fee I still have more money then I ever paid towards the PPI I am now able to buy my children the presents they want for Christmas and knowing that means everything to me Im more then greatful

Comment by: I got £13k
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2014-11-20 13:48:03
Comment number: 31023

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

having checked this company out on Google I have seen other comments saying they are doggy some woman called Emma assured me regarding a loan I had taken out with a bank on her list that I was owed a refund for PPI I had to cut the phone call short due to a emergency but she wanted me to spare 2 mins to call a number back which was supposedly my ban for a policy number they were to give me I thought before I do anything else Ill check it out Ill take this info to my bank and report HYC to them Today Not to be trusted

Comment by: Jude
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 2
Add date: 2014-02-13 07:23:13
Comment number: 31024

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

Bothered me three times today Twice within 1 minute of me telling them where to go Very persistent and rude

Comment by: myrtle
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2014-02-13 13:48:45
Comment number: 31025

Phone number: 1618505451

Review :

Just had a call from this number Put phone down on desk clicked answerphone to record and walked away I have a lovely recording of the woman saying quotBh I will kill youquot That will be winging its way to the ico and the police then

Comment by: Roo
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2013-10-08 10:41:14
Comment number: 31026

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

They called me 3times in one day before I found out how to block them on my mobile

Comment by: Allison
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 3
Add date: 2013-06-07 11:04:50
Comment number: 31027

Phone number: 1618505451

Rev. :

Non stop calling

Comment by: Jane
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 4
Add date: 2013-05-27 07:48:51
Comment number: 31028

Phone number: 1618505451

Opinion :

get a job you fcking scum

Comment by: tooty
Added from IP: Unknown
Security Category: 1
Add date: 2013-05-26 12:56:15
Comment number: 31029

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